we are a prime leader in providing training to employees across the region.
Penn Highlands is about building skills, improving processes, and delivering results. We are able to customize and deliver innovative, cost-effective, and professional training to meet operational goals and challenges of our region’s business and industry.
Quick Links & Resources
customized workforce training
Organizations and businesses have limits on how, when, and where they can conduct training. We work with business and industry to devise strategies that best meet the needs of a company within a proper time frame and budget. We help to determine specific needs, including availability and competencies of employees, developing a curriculum, and determining outcomes.
Whether on-site, at a College facility, or through a hybrid approach such as combining online with in-person, our central goal is to improve a company’s operations and help the economic vitality of the region. Pennsylvania Highlands is the college of choice when it comes to workforce education.
The Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA) was created to make companies across Pennsylvania more competitive locally, nationally, and internationally by updating and improving the skills of their employees to meet specific company needs.
Companies can receive training funds up to $2,000 per employee.

recruit our students
Interested in recruiting our students? Whether you are interested in hiring full-time, part-time, seasonal workers, or interns, Pennsylvania Highlands can help you promote openings and access talent.
Connect with our students and alumni through a variety of methods:
- College Central Network: Online job posting board.
- Annual Job/Internship Fair: Showcase your company while having the opportunity to meet with and collect resumes of Penn Highlands students.
- Employer Directory: Annual hard copy and online listing of employers interested in Penn Highlands’ students for present or future job and internship needs. Employers may list, free of charge, position/internship/job shadow descriptions and contact information.
- On-Campus Interviewing: Employers are invited to reserve recruiting tables or interviewing rooms to screen potential candidates for employment.
Rent Our Facilities
Our premier learning environment is open for those seeking to enhance the professional growth and development of their employees. Request our facility today.
Contact Us
Our staff is always ready and able to assist you with any needs or concerns that you might have. Contact our expert staff today.