Joe Hurd Appointed to the College’s Board of Trustees
Posted September 18, 2024 at 11:50 amPennsylvania Highlands Community College has appointed Joe Hurd to the Board of Trustees as the College’s new Blair County representative.

Joe Hurd
Hurd’s duties as the Blair County representative will be to bring forward the interests of the region regarding educational advancement. His initial term will expire on July 31, 2026, when he will be eligible for a three-year reappointment. He is replacing former Trustee James Foreman, who resigned from the Board of Trustees in June.
“I am honored to be asked to serve on the Penn Highlands Community College Board of Trustees,” Hurd stated. “I’ve served on the Advisory Board for multiple years and have been impressed with the level of commitment from the staff, as well as those business leaders who understand the importance of higher education.”
In August, Hurd retired as the Chief Executive Officer/President of the Blair County Chamber of Commerce, a position he held for the past 27 years.
Hurd holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Shippensburg University.
“Community Colleges serve an incredibly vital role in assuring that people, young and old, can continue the process of lifelong learning,” Hurd stated. “It’s a personal passion of mine, and I’m excited to get started.”