Chemical Dependency and Addiction Seminar

A Seminar on Chemical Dependency and Addiction: A biblical approach in providing support and encouragement for those affected by substance abuse and addiction.
Pennsylvania Highlands, in cooperation with Cambria County Drug Coalition, is hosting a one-day seminar to discuss chemical dependency and addiction in the faith-based community. We invite you to join us as we discuss the impact of substance abuse and addiction beyond a single person.
Cost: $10/person (covers cost of meals & seminar materials)
– Dr. David Ervine, Pyramid Healthcare & Assistant Professor at St. Francis University
– Living with Hope
– Narcan Training
Continuing Education credits available at the conclusion of the workshop.
Register online by clicking here. Registration must be completed by May 4.
Payment can be mailed to Penn Highlands or brought with you on the day of the seminar. Checks can be made payable to:
Penn Highlands Community College
cc: Jennifer Biggs, Academic Affairs
101 Community College Way
Johnstown, PA 15904
Please register by May 4.